Friday, July 30, 2010

EOC Week 3: Jeopardy

Building a Jeopardy game for homework is a good way to learn the material that the teacher is trying to provide to you. In the process of building and putting together this game, I was instructed to go through one hundred and ten pages of definitions to get the answers to my questions. I have to pick four different topics to tell you the answers to. It starts with one hundred dollars being the easiest description going down the line to five hundred dollars being the hardest description. So far I have patents, fees, claims, and random which I have to change, I just haven’t found anything better yet. During this process I have learned some of the definitions of the words that I am sure I will be using more of in the next few years.
If you are not familiar with the game show on TV I will explain it for you. On TV they usually have three players that are competing but in my class we will have a few different teams that have multiple players on one team. So in class the creator of the game gets up in front of the class and reads the answers as they are picked by the players. If they answer right they receive the point and move on or if they don’t answer right one of the other teams has a chance to answer the question to receive the points. Whoever has the most points at the end wins. It’s a fun game that is also educational.

Here are a couple examples of what I have put together.
Answer: An application may be changed in response to an initial rejection by the USPTO.
Question: What is an Amendment?
Answer: Fees that must be paid to file a patent form with the USPTO.
Question: Application filling fee.

Friday, July 23, 2010

ECO Week 2: What do you think of Lawyers?

Lawyers are intense people and most are intimidating. Throughout my life my father owning his own business has come across many lawyers and even judges that have become part of our family because we know them so well. I hear people say that they hate lawyers and I can see why even though I don’t feel the same way. Yea, they cost a lot of money and they know that you need them so they can do that, but if you have a good lawyer it will be plenty worth the pay.
My sister is in law school right now and dealing with her sometimes can be a pain. She is very good at making her argument and she never lets me have the last say. It’s really a drag when they are in your family and they like to argue.
The only time I have tried to deal with a lawyer was when I was sixteen years old. I was driving on the I-15 going north and I got pulled over for speeding and I crossed the white line or something like that. So needless to say the cop gave me a ticket. When the cop came back to the car to give me the ticket I was in tears, he said it’s just a ticket and I said yea but I am terrified to tell my dad that I got my first ticket so fast. So I thought I would be slick and go to one of those lawyers that tell you that they take care of it and the ticket gets reduced to a parking ticket. I think it was the day before my seventeenth birthday was when the lawyer sent some kind of thank you for choosing them. Well my dad opened my mail because he saw that it was from a lawyer to me and he wondered why, just like any parent would. Well, I got in big trouble and I have to call and cancel everything with them. It sucked. So after that I stuck with my dad’s friends to help me out with all my other tickets that I have received.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


My name is Christina Cassaro; I am a Graphic Designer and a Photographer. Design interests me because it is a way to express myself without having to stand up and say anything. And! I love that. Putting my name onto something beautiful that hopefully the WORLD will see makes me successful because I will want to keep producing what make me feel the happiest, although it maybe not be the easiest.
Photography is something I like to also do for fun and in my personal life. In spite of the fact that I also market that as part of my profession to show others what I have seen, and where I have been.
I am designing and working my way through life doing something that I find very interesting. I have worked hard to achieve my goals in life and I will keep working, designing, capturing moments in life, and exploring. Every day that I work on a project I learn something new or gain new tools and knowledge to succeed. When learning, I put that knowledge toward my interests to try to make something that no one has done before, which is very hard to do. I try to catch people’s attention by being risky, not knowing how the people are going to react is very exciting for me.
My goal is to leave the place that I am living now, which is Las Vegas, and move to Los Angeles where I can have more opportunities to become a Graphic Designer, to be a part of a company that is very successful only to branch off and make my own company.